
Foreword by David Abram
Introduction: Towards a Poetic Ecology
Part One: Cells with Aspirations
Chapter 1: The Desire for Life
Chapter 2: The Machine That Can Die
Chapter 3: The Physics of Creation
Part Two: The Language of Feeling
Chapter 4: World Inscape
Chapter 5: Affective Neuroscience: Mind as Symbol of the Body
Part Three: I am You
Chapter 6: The Question in the Eyes of the Wolf
Chapter 7: Learning to Think: Mirroring the Other
Part Four: Life as Art
Chapter 8: Melody of the Soul
Chapter 9: The Principle of Beauty
Part Five: Symbioses
Chapter 10: The Body of the Sea
Chapter 11: Not One, But All
Chapter 12: The Silvery Sea
Part Six: Healing
Chapter 13: Ethics: The Values of the Flesh
Chapter 14: Enlivenment: Ecological Morals as Mutuality in Beauty